Ever notice how a musician gets so wrapped up in the sheer emotion of the sounds that they are creating? Their eyes close, they sway to the beat--they're in another world completely. I want to capture that atmosphere of that music and that feeling, and have my images live on so that others can see the music.
Even when they're just listening, they seem to be mentally joining in and playing their instrument, and are there completely in spirit, if not in body. Just as there are nuances in each note and beat, there are subtleties in photographically capturing the emotion of their music.
And it's not just the older professionals, the young kids today are just as immersed in their music, whether it's rock, jazz, classical, vocal or the most contemporary sounds. It's a wonderful feeling when you can visually show what the musician hears and feels.
Calgary, Alberta-based photographer, Neil Koven, brings an inciteful approach to commercial photography, giving dramatic photographic images that are sharp, well composed and accurately exposed. Working as an on-site digital photographer, portrait photographer including corporate and editorial portraits, architectural photography and special event photography. Photographing the many aspects of the oil patch including aerial photography are his specialties. His fine images are suitable for corporate photographic libraries, websites, publications and promotional materials. He gives the client what they want and need.
phone: (403) 276-6335 • cell: (403) 540-0066 • fax: (403) 276-2152
Email: neil@neilkoven.com
copyright © Neil Koven
Calgary commercial photography, Calgary
commercial photographer, Commercial photographer in Calgary